
Friday, April 4, 2008

Powerful message on Wichita school bond issue

We here at LBK admit we are not informed on the merits of the controversial school bond issue in Wichita, or even what all it entails. That said, we felt this piece from Wichita Eagle editorial cartoonist Richard Crowson (who loyal readers will know we are a HUGE fan of) entitled "The Big Gamble" is very moving.


Anonymous said...

very powerful cartoon

Anonymous said...

It's a tragedy that children must attend school in buildings without safe rooms. It borders on criminal.

USD 259 could have built these safe rooms years ago with pocket change. They have several times that amount to spend each year in their capital budget. So why haven't they built these safe rooms?

Anonymous said...

Oh Please! Our schools have safe rooms. Do you really think we built schools in tornado alley without safe rooms? Then again, of all the places I've lived, this school distric is the most poor run I have ever seen.

The cartoon is a scare tactic.